Friday 5 February 2016

Vocational Education A Solution To Unemployment

Educated youth serves as the most intelligent and
creative cadre of the nation. The ignite minded youth
forms the major resource of the nation.The nations are
distinguished as developed and developing , on the
basis of youths work in multiple fields.They shape the
destiny of nations.But it a well known fact that the tree
bearing more fruits attracts more stones. Likewise ,this
asset of the country , face numerous hardships and
challenges. One of the major challenge they face is
unemployment. Unemployment is a chronic disease
,our youth is suffering from. Over a long period of time
we have been observing ,how the issue of
unemployment has turned out to be a major threat for
the youth in the state in general and Kashmir valley in
particular. The calmless and aimless youth of the
valley oscillate to and fro in search of their settlement.
The youth possessing high degree certificates are
begging from door to door for the sake of their job.The
graduates and post graduates prefer to work as daily
wagers and casual labourers, without a proper ans
consistent salary.This results in the contamination of
self respect.Despite having a wider vision , they shrink
themselves in a narrow vision. Estimates suggest that
nearly 25 lakh youth ,including educated and semi
educated are jobless in the state.This epidemic disease
has left many hearts wounded. The father who left no
stone unturned in managing a proper education for his
ward, manages bread and butter for him even after he
becomes educated.It gives sleepless nights to mother
whose educated & unemployed son indulges in all
kinds of illegal and immoral activities.Because
unemployment gives birth to persons like drug
paddlers,gangsters, rappists, smugglers. etc.Moreover
the immoral activities of the youth are always pointed
out and addressed ,by ignoring the basic issue. . We
have a belief that where their is a problem their is a
solution. Likewise this burning issue can also be
minimised through vocational education. The
education that prepares people for a specific trade.It
directly develops expertise in areas related to
technology, skill and scientific techniques for spaning
all aspects of trade. . This solution catches evidences
from the lines of history.Zani- ul-abideen popularly
known as Badshah ( great king) was a visionary and
foresighted man.Six centuries back (1920-1970) he
sowed the seeds of vocational education in Kashmir.
He invited art manufacturers from the foreign land in
order to taught the locals useful arts and crafts .Some
of the handicrafts introduced by him include include
papier mache,carpet weaving ,skill ,paper making
etc.He promoted Kashmiri trade at a period when
Kashmir was isolated and communication with outside
world was very difficult .These things should be
noticed and compared .Although now we live in an
advanced age but fails to proceed Busshahs mission.
The authorities have shown lackadiesal approach
towards vocational education. It is given null
emphasis in our curriculum. The statement made by
CM of introducing traditional handicrafts in schools
and colleges might come as a relief. . Policy makers
should aim at providing basic skills to every young
person by making vocational education as a
compulsory subject in schools and colleges.This will
surely help in producing skillfully and artfull persons
The persons whose degrees and diplomas will never
go in vain .The student knowing vocational education
can do a part time job as financial assistance for
studies. In this way a mega issue can be
resolved.Vocational education plays a vital role in the
human resource development and for the same reason
it is stressed in the developed countries. For instance
vocational education serves as an important part of
education system in Australia, Germany,Switzer
land,France and Italy.So, here is the need to formulate
a national vocational policy ,which may come as a
solution to unemployment.

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